Uganda Missions 2011

The Grace Like Rain 2011 Mission trip to Uganda was a great success and blessing to the people of Uganda.

2 Medical Clinics were held including optical and prayer clinics.

~ 1200 people were examined and treated during the clinics

~ Over 200 pair of glasses were given during the clinics

~ Over 600 people were given much needed free denial service.  Over 100 tooth extractions were performed.


A 7 day Pastor's and Leaders Conference was held at the Prayer Palace Headquarters in Kampala, Uganda.

~ Pastor Maddaline Norfleet, Pastor Dories French and Evang. Beverley Vaughn preach and taught during both day and evening sessions.

~ 400 Pastors and Leaders from all the provinces of Uganda gathered to be taught and encouraged


Rice, beans, flour, and cooking oil was given to the GLR New Living Hope training school for the blind and others in need.

~ Pastor Madddaline and Pastor Dories personally shopped for supplies at the local market.

~ The students at the school were elated to have the GLR team with them.

Humanitarian and School for the Blind Photos

Medical, Dental and Optical Clinics 2011

Pastors and Leaders Conference 2011

GLR Team Visits the Nile River