is designed to provide spiritual, medical and dental services to indigenous families in various parts of the world including Asia, Africa, Europe, India, South America, The Caribbean and other countries where the needs are prevalent. Founded in 2005, GLRWM (Grace Like Rain World Missions) has served over 70,000 people with assistance from volunteer medical and missions staff, providing medicine supplies and treatments, dental supplies and treatments, food, clothing, water and sanitation training. Each mission trip taken by Grace Like Rain Ministries seeks to appeal to the whole person both the physical and spiritual needs. It is our goal to demonstrate the true love of God as we touch the lives of each and every person we come in contact with.
Each medical clinic given by GLRWM has a prayer clinic that runs simultaneously with it. The prayer clinic is a strong component of and contributes to the overall success of the clinics. After the patient is seen by the medical staff, has received their diagnoses and filled prescriptions the last station they will visit is the prayer clinic. A short prayer is prayed over the medication and the individual. An invitation to accept Christ as personal savior is extended and (if accepted), the sinner's prayer is prayed with them. Finally, their name is given to the local pastors for follow-up. Whenever possible, an evangelistic worship service is scheduled on the evening of the clinics. This is where the local people can come and receive a word of inspiration from the GLR Ministry Team. We also hold large gospel crusade services in many of the countries we visit. Held in public arenas, the attendance can range from several hundred to over 30 to 40 thousand people.
We have developed personal relationships with local churches and leaders of the countries we visit. We work together with christian leaders who are instrumental in setting up our large crusades and ministry locations. Crusade services consist of praise and worship - led by local psalmist and musicians, prayer and deliverances, testimonies and inspirational messages delivered by the GLR Ministering Team. We have witnessed the miraculous move of God and have received many testimonies of victory and healings as a result of these crusades and services.
June 16 through June 25, 2014
Uganda Missions
Grace Like Rain World Missions needs your help to accomplish this mission
Please click on the "Donate Today" button at the top of the page to make a contribution!
All donations are Tax-Dedutible
Support Lady Maddaline's Children Home (LMCH)
GoFundMe click below
India Mission Trip August 2012
Haiti Missions Trip 2012
June 18-23, 2012
click below to see short Pedi Clinic clip
Grace Like Rain gives State of the Art
Laptop to Uganda Ministry
May 2012
Shimla, India Missions 2012
Lady Maddaline Receives 2011 Award for Missions Work
from the Southern New England Black Nurses Association
Grace Like Rain Staff Members
Sandra Williams, Edwina Ellington, Tanesha Hunter and Jayne Crawford
GLR 2011 Foreign Missions Accomplishments
Ghana West Africa ~ April 18 - 28, 2011
Click below for report
Haiti ~ June 13 -18, 2011
Click below for report
Guntur, India ~ August 15-26, 2011
Click below for report
Uganda East, Africa ~ September 26 - October 5, 2011
Lady Maddaline Children's Home(LMCH) was established February 2005 in Guntur, South India in response to the tsunami crisis of Southeast Asia.Many of the survivors were innocent children who found themselves orphaned following the catastrophe. Lady Maddaline Children's Home is currently the residence of nearly 72 children ranging between ages 7 to16 years old. Each child is provided daily necessities including food, clothing, medical care and a Christian-based education.
After the tsunami in 2004 the children had a fear of the waters. However, in 2009
the children expressed that they were ready to go back to see the water that they all
once knew and loved.
New T-Shirts for everyone
LMCH Children enjoying the water
Special Time with our children
Click below to view India Mission Video
Click picture below to view video of Pastor Maddaline
Preaching in Uganda 2009
Click below to view video of Humanitarian Outreach 2009