Asia Missions 2010

The Asia 2010 mission was lead by Pastor Sharon Predovich, Senior Pastor of the Resurrection Life Church in Minneapolis Mn. Lady Maddaline/GLR World Missions assisted in this effort. 

Mission Accomplishments

2 Women Conferences were held in Thailand

The team ministered in 6 area churches throughout the trip

Special services held at Refugee Camp on the Boarders of Berma


Pastor Sharon Predovich
ministering at women's conference


Pastor Maddaline Norfleet and Pastor U Zaw Min

Pastor Albert  Gonzales & 1st Lady

First Fruit Offering at
 Myanmar Christian Assembly Church

The Children of Myanmar Christian Assembly


"Carry The Light"

The Worship


"Prayer at Burma Boarder where thousands of people are
killed every year trying to escape through this passageway"

The Refugee Camp



Refugee camp in Mae Sot.  Life in the refugee camp is hard.  Over 20,000 refugee's live in these camps.  We were the first ministry team to be allowed to come in to minister to the Christian women in 10 years.


After walking about 1  1/2 miles we finally reach the church


Lunch at the camp 
A nice lunch was prepared for us. 
The home was made of bamboo and was on stilts.

Thai Foods are very Colorful and Exotic
"The green mystery sandwich" 

A Personal Favorite



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