Grace Tailoring & Training Institute

"A Division of Grace Like Rain World Missions"
Join us in celebrating our newest Grace Like Rain World Missions Outreach


  • Establish a training facility in the heart of one of India's poorest areas.
  • Provide training and resources to women who have been abused,                                                                                                         widowed or work in the fields making less than $2.00 per day.
  • Train the women in good work ethics and business skills.
  • At the completion of the course a sewing machine will be provided to                                                                                                 each woman.
  • She will be able to either work for an established tailoring shop or start                                                                                                 her own tailoring business.
  • Her garments may be purchased on the Grace Like Rain Website with a                                                                                             portion of the proceeds going to her and 15% returning to the                                                                                                         "Grace Tailoring & Training Institute" to further this project.

Presently we have 40 women who are actively involved in the course and are
doing very well.  We have 5 foot-powered sewing machines.  The ladies are 
assigned scheduled time slots to assure each woman has an opportunity to
learn the craft and practice it.  Presently, the women are learning to make 
miniature garments with scrap materials until the funds can be raised to 
purchase fabric and other supplies.


There is a desperate need to purchase at least 5 to 10 additional sewing 
machines, cutting tables and so much more.  A brand new foot-powered 
sewing machine can be purchased for as little as 150 US dollars. 
The facility we are presently using is too small, however the property right
next door is available for purchase and sits on 2  acres of land.  

$25,000 is all we need to make this vision an "Up & Running Reality"   
We are asking you to partner with Grace Like Rain World Missions as we 
move forward in this life changing project.  

                                        SOW A SEED 
            $1000.00 - $500.00 - $250.00 or Your Best Seed 
Grace Like Rain World Missions - The Grace Tailoring Project
P.O. Box 2831 Meriden, CT  06450
or click on the donation button below and make your commitment right now.
All donations are Tax-Dedutible.